Monday, December 26, 2011

A Sweet Reminder

     I wake up, its Christmas!! Get ready for church, sister takes longer (much longer) than everyone else, trying to get everyone out the door to be on time. Rushing. I carry little 2 year old Chase into the chapel and barely sit down in a pew before the opening prayer. Yes the morning has been a little hectic. The first talk is given. Chase becomes restless and starts to softly cry "I want to go home, I don't want to be to church" several times, or a few dozen. He repeats his cry, this time more loudly. I hold him on my lap trying to figure out a way to calm him down. Then a prompting comes to me. I carefully lean down and whisper, "Chase do you know who's birthday it is today?" He looks up and answers "no". I then proceed to tell him that it is Jesus's birthday and we have come to church because we love him and want to help him celebrate his birthday and that we have to be reverent in order to do that. I know that even his little 2 year old mind understands what I mean by this and he finally calms down letting me stroke his hair as we listen to the heartfelt words and musical numbers. I quickly realized that the thought to ask Chase if he knew why we were there was not only to help calm him down, but also to help me step out of what had been a rushed morning and become more focused on something other than myself. It is much more than a day of gratitude or a day of giving. It is a day of CHRIST! This description may seem simplistic, but isn't it profound?

     The birth of our Savior is one of the most  life changing happenings in the history of this earth. Without this event we would receive no salvation! Without him their would be no hope, no joy, and no peace for how could we find those things without his light? The Savior, my very own brother, has made it possible that I may live this mortal experience and that I may return to a heaven so incredible that I am not even capable of remembering it with this human brain of mine. He is the truth and the light of all that has been and ever will be created! So as I sat there in church and personally asked myself  "do you know who's day it is today" I realized that I had started off this day thinking about a great deal of things but the one who gave me gift of this day. I am grateful that I was able to receive this sweet reminder of what it means to truly celebrate the day of Christ as well as what I can to do make his name and his life a part of mine for this upcoming year! This knowledge makes it possible for me to have a Merry Christmas 365 days a year!

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