Saturday, July 9, 2011

So this whole world of blogging is a new thing for me and so I am going to have fun with this and see how it goes! I am excited to have a special place where I can share all kinds of different things; happy times, sad times, thoughts and ideas, new experiences, and one of my favorite things in the whole world......quotes I have found that bring me joy and help me understand things I am experiencing! I decided to name my blog "One Place In Time" because if there is one thing in my life that I have learned it is that with anything you go through you have to remember that you can only think about one place in your life at a time and that is the here and now. You can't worry about the past because it is behind you and you can't spend your time worrying about the future because you will waste away the beauty of today ! So I guess it's more of a reminder for myself to take life one day and place at a time and breath in each new life experience with the mind set that each step will help me grow to a place and into the person that I want to be! Every day, every experience, every moment is "One Place In Time" !

1 comment:

  1. Great title, great post, I'm excited to read more!
